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Principal's Message

your true "characteristics"

We place great importance on "characteristic" education. We make the most of a student's natural talent. A "characteristic" is as different as every face is different. A "characteristic" differs from "individuality". "Individuality" is a word that applies to everyone, and each person has good and bad things. A "characteristic" is however, is something that can be helpful for a person's future and also for society as a whole, and it is an indication of person's development. Therefore, if it is not nurtured a "characteristic" does not realize its full potential. In order to develop "characteristics", we have nine courses at Sanyo High School. Now, and in the future, it is very important what each person can do, rather than what university they graduated from. In order to make sufficient preparations for becoming an adult who is helpful to society, a variety of courses are required. Let me ask you. What are you interested in now? And what do you want to become in the future? To grant your wishes, what are you studying now? Are you clear about what you are trying to do? I think the answers to these questions suggest what your "characteristics" are and what you should do. If there is something you want to try to do at Okayama Sanyo High School, don't hesitate! We promise to provide the optimal environment for your chosen path, and we will endeavor to help you lead a full life. Okayama Sanyo High School has a unique group of special courses called "Meister School" where you can choose from 45 lectures and at which many experts from various fields to teach. We also have "Momotarou Adventure" which allows you to discover yourself, with activities outside the normal school curriculum. While letting you know the charm of Okayama Sanyo High School through this homepage, I also hope this homepage will become an aid in your discovery of your true "characteristics". Thank you.

